Is the price really per minute of audio?

Yes! We price on the length of the audio or video file you provide, not the amount of time it takes to complete the transcript, number of speakers, or other factors.

Our system bills on the full duration of the file (rounded to the nearest whole minute, with a 1-minute minimum), regardless of content, so be sure to trim any stretches of silence, or material you don't want transcribed (such as pre- or post-interview chit-chat).

On the checkout page, you will have a choice between Estimated durations and Exact durations.

With the default, Estimated durations, you can enter values in the "Estimated length" fields for your file(s) to get an accurate price estimate before checkout, or leave the default value of 1 minute and let our system figure it out. Either way, upon completion of the order, the system will bill you for the true duration of each file.

If you choose Exact durations, the system will check that the file lengths match the values you provide before getting to work. If they differ, we will halt processing and contact you about it.

Please keep in mind that we do differentiate price-wise between good and bad quality audio, in the form of an optional Difficult Audio upgrade. See the What is meant by difficult audio quality? entry for more details.